7 Unforgettable Reasons Why You Should Visit Portugal

 Portugal is a country by the Atlantic coast in the south of Europe. Its only neighboring country is Spain. Maybe because of the isolated position in a corner of Europe the Portuguese felt the need to look for new lands and explore the world by sea back in the 15th century.

For that reason Portugal is known as the country that formed the “First Global Village” having formed colonies and trading posts from America to Asia, not forgetting Africa.

Nowadays the Portuguese language is one of the most spoken in the world of course because of the large populations of Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape verde and so on.

But what about Portugal, the country itself. It has been awarded for several years in a row the Best Touristic Destination in Europe. And it is where the www.holidaysenses.com adventure started.

Amongst the uncountable reasons to visit this country we chose seven that you should take in account so that you live really Special Moments in Portugal.

Holiday Senses and get the affordable best Portugal personal experiences package


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